Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek

I am once again living my childhood through the latest Star Trek movie. Yes...I confess...I was a trekkie in an earlier life and even attended a convention or two. No, I didn't dress up and put pointy ears on, but I had friends who were huge fans and we had a blast.

I realize in hindsight, that one of my favorite childhood memories involve Star Trek. See, my father, who worked as an attorney, was able to get off work early and come by the house to 'watch the kids' for mom. (My parents divorced when I was 4 but it was fairly amicable - mom just couldn't live with my father's alcoholism.)

When dad was sober, he was bright, funny, and a fan of Star Trek (but now I'm thinking it might have been just the short skirts he liked...hmmm...). But my memories of Star Trek were coming home from school, dad showing up, turning on the TV and we'd watch Star Trek for an hour.

Definately happy times...

So, now, this movie comes out. And it's a really good movie. Really. Good. I've actually seen it twice now since it came out on Thursday night - saw it on Saturday night with my (also former Trekkie) husband, and just by myself on Monday (my day off from work).

I also came across this little gem of a video. I haven't been one to get involved in all of the spinoffs of the original Trek series, but I have seen a few - anyway, loved the video about the whole Star Trek universe:

Of course, now we have this...hold on to your tricorders everyone...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Shep Smith continues to surprise me...

I hate Fox News....I really, really do....I usually question the sanity of those folks who gather all of their news from the 'fair and balanced' hystrionics from Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and the like. But time and again, I find myself listening to Shep Smith and smile and nod my head - he makes sense!!!

Here's today's example:

"We Don't Torture"...oh, maybe we do

This article from pretty much summarizes my feelings about this ugly, ugly business on torture....

Losing Our Lives in the Process of Saving Them
April 22nd, 2009 By PETE ABEL, Managing Editor

Of the endless cascade of reports, posts, and conversations this week on recent-past U.S. torture practices, there are three that perhaps bother me more than all the rest.

The first can be found at the end of this CSM report:
Interrogators, who spoke to the [New York] Times on condition of anonymity, said they believed Zubaydah told them everything he knew before waterboarding began. They communicated this to agency higher-ups in Washington, who nonetheless insisted on the use of the practice, and asked to watch it take place.

The second is Andrew Sullivan’s spotlight on potential hypocrisy by at least one influential member of Congress, who is presumably among those “outraged” by the most recent revelations.

The third can’t be linked. It was a brief exchange I had with an old college friend Monday night — a fleeting segment from a much larger conversation about what the hell we had each been up to in the last umpteen years. A devout Catholic, this old college friend dismissed the entire torture issue as much ado about nothing.

No matter one’s religion or politics, I can’t understand how any of us can take a cavalier stance on this topic, not in the face of the flood of evidence we’ve now seen. No, I don’t want another terrorist attack. In fact, I think it’s entirely reasonable to assume no American does. But at what price are we willing to save ourselves? Where in the process of protecting America do we cross the line Jesus clearly demarcated in Luke 9:24-25?

… whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit will a person have if he gains the whole world, but destroys himself or is lost?

I think it’s pretty damn clear that line — between saving and losing our lives — was already crossed. Nor am I convinced we’ve yet done enough to “uncross” it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Christianity in America

There's a really good article in this week's Newsweek that covers the latest information on the growth (or no-growth) of Christianity in America.

It summarized pretty susinctly what I've been thinking about my Christian faith and how it really shouldn't be an overt force of being 'the government'. In fact the Bible specifically tells us not to rely on the government, but to really focus on our own relationship with Jesus and with one another. And that shouldn't be mandated through law.

Seriously, if this country were ever somehow to become a 'Beeda Beeda Country' where Beeda Beeda was some new faith that believed it illegal to own dogs and allow women to vote, I sure wouldn't want all of the Beeda Beeda politicians mandating that in the law.

Anyway, pretty insightful stuff....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Jon Stewart again amazes...

...with the ability of having his finger on the pulse of this country (or at least those that are disenfranchised - and I'm not talking about laid off Wall Street bankers here...)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Scary episode with dog...

It's been another busy, busy day in my family household. We closed out the day going to my kid's school to welcome home the Arizona State 1A Women's Basketball State Champions! (Go Knights!)

When we got home, I did my normal getting the kids ready for baths and fed our two dogs, Aspen and Maggie. Aspen is our old guy - he's 15 years old and every time I come home from work or being away for any extended time, I check on him to make sure he's still with us...he's that old...

Maggie is our sweet and smart golden retriever puppy (she's our 10 month old girl) who has become a major fixture in our household with her energy, affection and (yes) destructiveness. My kids just adore her.

Well, after feeding the dogs, I let Maggie out of her cage (where she eats) and she made her usual beeline to the closed door of the room where Aspen was eating. While I saw all this happening, I noticed that Maggie was sitting down at an awkward angle and that her eyes were rolling in the back of her head with the inner eyelid showing on over half of her eye. And her head looked like it was being forced upward.

At first I thought she was in the middle of an ecstatic smelling spell over Aspen's food, but then I realized she must be convulsing in some way. I went to her and petted her. I was thinking she might be choking, so I took her collar off (even though there wasn't any coughing or anything like that).

Now I'm thinking it was some kind of seizure and wondering if it wasn't epileptic. She recovered wonderfully from this episode (but it sure scared the kids and unnerved me a bit as well). She's resting quietly now at my feet here at the computer like she normally does.

I'll keep an eye out for her and probably take her into see the vet this week.

Maggie has wrapped her golden little tail around my family - I hope and pray that it just is a one time thing, or a simple case of dog epilepsy that can be controlled.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Everything Glorious Vid

Another creation just made last night (until the wee hours of the morning)...I love this one...the sermon this weekend is on how God made each one of us special and unique...had to use this song from David Crowder (I love that guy!) here it is!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Taylor the Latte Boy - revisited

OK, so on a prior post of my previous blog - I posted about the joy of a new neighborhood Starbucks going in and included this great video. I love the song a lot and my voice teacher is actually having me learn how to sing it. I don't do as well as Kristen here - but I'm trying!

So, after this, I came across this great response - just too funny!

Well, I've done it - I've officially become a banker...I feel like I need a government bailout now. How did I become a banker? I've become a lender via

It should be fun to see what happens with these loans. Here's a great vid about Kiva. (And if you are interested, see the widget to the side!)

Kiva from JD Lasica on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Basketball Greatness...

My two kids and I went to watch their school's Varsity Men's 1A Basketball Team, Surrey Garden Christian School (go Knights!), tonight in the first round of the Regional 1A Playoffs. These guys dominated! My husband, a former high schooler basketball player himself, just absolutely admires the talent on this 1A team!

On to round 2 on Friday night!


Here are just a few of the church countdowns that I've made for my church. Love doing this stuff...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ahhh...a new view and a new attitude....

I've decided to move my blog for various and unimportant reasons. It's actually pretty nice - I don't have to pack or anything. I wish life were like this!

More to come in future posts.

For anyone interested, my old blog was located at
